Message From Dr. Robert Anthony

New System Reveals How To Lose Weight Without Dieting …Even if You’ve Tried IT ALL

From the Desk of Dr. Robert Anthony

Dear Friend, 

If you’d like to lose weight…for real, then this is the most important message you’ll ever read…Here’s why.

Caution: You MUST Know this First

Before we continue, let me make something abundantly clear:

This isn’t one of those “magic pills” that promises you’ll lose 10 pounds by doing nothing.

Here’s the truth.

The system I outline here is working great for me, and it’s the exact system I use with my private clients (it’s working for them) and I believe it can help you, too.

But I’m not suggesting that everyone (or anyone) who uses this system is going to lose a lot of weight. I don’t have psychic powers that tell me you will follow this process through and commit the time to yourself.  

Chances are, you and I have never met. So I’m not about to insult your intelligence by telling you simply by owning this system, you’ll have the body of your dreams. At the end of the day, you are the only person who can lose the weight, not me, not a system, and certainly not the guys in the late-night infomercials.

So with that straightened out, let me tell you… 

Exactly What You’re Getting

This is dramatically different from anything you’ve ever tried because it’s more of a “subconscious change process” for losing weight than a traditional “program”.

The reason why is because there’s no fluff or padding. It immediately gets down to brass tacks, showing you exactly what to do, how to do it, and why.

Plus, it’s easy to follow.

With just 3 Parts, you can listen to it in a couple of days.

And you’ll immediately “get” the entire system I personally used to lose 20 pounds…with NO Dieting. 

It’s About MORE Than Just Losing Weight

See, you can use the same system in this program to overcome any personal obstacle.

For example, you can use these same strategies to quit smoking (for real AND for good), to clear out your clutter and organize your home and to finally get up the courage to try that "thing" you’ve ALWAYS wanted to try.

Virtually any habit or behavior you’re trying to change or develop - this system can make it happen.

So like I said, there’s more to this program than “just” losing weight. Here’s a fraction of what you’re getting… 

The ONE THING you should never do when you want to release extra weight. 

You need to starve yourself to drop weight, right? Wrong! Discover the truth about how you’re supposed to actually eat to make weight loss a reality.

How to eliminate mental resistance and skepticism. This 21 minute audio will set you straight.

The clear answer on Day Framing (this multiplies your results like nothing else).

Say goodbye to physically exhausting workouts. There’s an easier way to mold your body.

The TRUTH about fat (it's NOT what you think).

When to use the Core Change Hypnosis protocol (the timing is EVERYTHING).

How to blow past your old “hiccups” when it comes to weight loss.

FOR PEOPLE OVER 40: Use this technique to crush self-resentment and quiet that “it’s too late” inner voice.

The real power of your personal WHY and how to finally use it to your advantage.

What to do if you’re eating everything healthy but still the scale isn’t moving.

How to get “Outside The Box” when it comes to exercise (this is the secret to motivation).

What Dual Future Pictures are and how to use them to finally drop pounds.

TODAY: Step in front of a mirror and smile.

Why willpower NEVER works when trying to lose weight.

Say goodbye to your “fat clothes”. Throw them out with confidence when you KNOW you’re no longer battling with your weight.

When it’s OK to eat actual fat.

The absolute fastest way to let your mind do the “workouts” - starting NOW.

What to do if you’re a picky eater and finding healthy options is impossible.

The single switch to flip if you want to change absolutely ANYTHING.

How to finally see yourself in a whole NEW light (this one will surprise you).

If you're middle-aged it's impossible to lose weight, right? WRONG! It's NEVER too late to be at your ideal weight PLUS it's not as hard as you think.

Yes, that’s a lot of life-tested tactics to release weight but it gets better because you’re also getting…

An Advanced “Compounding Audio” System For Framing Your Day!

You’re getting IMMEDIATE ACCESS to this day framing secret that guarantees your success.

You’ll quickly integrate your subconscious changes by simply listening to these 2 brief audios each morning and night.

This simple and effective process has been keeping my weight (and so much more) where I want it for over a decade and no one else has access to it…until now…

The best part of it is that it’s… 

Specifically Designed for People Who are Incredibly Busy

Listen. If you don’t have the “time” for long drawn out instructions and complicated processes, I’m right there with you. I’d literally rather poke my own eyes out than “sift through” a boring list of to do’s when I have so much else that needs my attention…

And that’s why I’ve spent years developing these simple reinforcement practices I’ll be giving you with this program.

When you listen to these audios, two things will happen.

First, you’ll relax KNOWING that you’re doing the exact thing you need to do to get the results you want.

This is really important to you because it sets you up for a clear, focused mindset for the day PLUS a peaceful head so you can finally get a great night’s sleep…

The next thing you’ll notice is this: 

You’ll Feel The Burden Of “Struggle” Lifting Off Your Shoulders!

And you’ll do it without a second thought, you won’t have to hem and haw about every little detail, and you won’t even have to deal with that endless “inner chatter” when it comes to decisions.

That’s because of the way these compounding audios work.

I’ve created these simple but proven techniques that actually allow for instant integration. It’s that easy, listen to the audio once in the morning and the other at night and let the processes sink in.

You don’t have to wonder if you’re setting yourself up for releasing weight because it’s built right into these 2 audios and I’m including them in your program for free.

And I love to over-deliver so you’re also getting… 

My Unique 4 Part Action Sheets For Activating Your Subconscious Alignment

Right away you’ll have access to this power packed 4 part series.

You’ll identify the keys to WHY you’re trapped in your current weight, build your compelling reasons, flush out your dual future pictures and create positive self-talk statements that will build a fortress around your new found “releasing mindset” and create massive momentum.

And just like most of the tools I give you, these are… 

Purposely Created To Walk You Through Step-by-Step

Listen, getting stuck trying to “figure something out” is a time-waster no one can afford.

That’s why I created this 4 Part Action Sheet Series as a no-brainer. Just straight forward how to’s that walk you through each action one step at a time, it’s that simple.

Your power to release weight will get an instant and constant boost when you combine the Compounding Audios and the 4 Part Action Sheets I’m including in your program, for free. 

Here’s What To Do Next

The “cost” of this program is $67, and you get complete access to the 3 Part “Subconscious Change” Process, including all audios, pdfs plus both the Compounding Audio System and the 4 Part Action Sheet Series I mentioned above, instantly.

As soon as you place your order, you’ll get an automated receipt plus an email with your private link. You can access it anywhere, immediately – no waiting.

Oh and in case you’re wondering... 


I realize this is very inexpensive…so you might wonder what the “catch” is.

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something only to reveal that there is an “advanced version” that you really need if you want actual real life results.

This isn’t one of them.

There’s no upgraded super-power version waiting in the wings you have to buy…or anything even remotely like that.

I’m literally giving you the entire program as a means of “putting my best foot forward” and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you’ll love it and this will be the start of a great relationship for years to come. 

Time Is Of The Essence

I’m going to be honest with you. You cannot afford to wait.


Because your life is on the line…your happiness, self-confidence, and inner core beliefs are all at risk each day that you put off making this change.

It’s that serious and that simple. 

Oh - one more thing… 

I want to set you up for the best results possible, so I’m taking it further by giving you…

An “Outside The Box” Training, FREE!

In this bonus report, I’ll reveal the key to motivation.

This key unlocks the 3 C’s we all need to start a change in our lives and to integrate it with ease: consistency, commitment and control.

Instead of what you’ve always been told, we’ll move “Outside The Box” using both simplicity and fun to work in our favor.

And there’s no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out this program. 

Oh, and in case you’re wondering… 


Of course there’s a money-back guarantee. 

In fact, I think it’s…

The Boldest Guarantee In The World

I 100% Guarantee you’ll love this program. Here’s how it works… 

Take 60 Full Days. Dive into the 3 Part “Subconscious Change” Process, the Compounding Audio System, the 4 Part Action Sheet Series, and the “Outside The Box” training and decide you love it or I’ll return your money and you can keep everything you’ve received. You don’t have to send anything back. No questions asked. 

How’s that for fair?

Claim Your Zero Resistance Weight Release Today

Send Me "Zero Resistance Weight Release" NOW

Thanks for taking the time to read this message and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Dr. Robert Anthony

P.S. In case you’re one of those people who skipped right to the end of the message, here’s the deal.

I’m sending you the exclusive 3 Part “Subconscious Change” Process, so you can easily lose weight without dieting.

And you’ll immediately “get” access to the “releasing” process showing you exactly what to do, how to do it, and why.

The program is $67.

I’m also giving you, an Advanced “Compounding Audio” System for framing your day that guarantees success. You’ll quickly integrate your subconscious changes by simply listening to these 2 brief audios each morning and night.

What’s important about this is it sets you up for a clear, focused mindset for the day PLUS a peaceful head so you can get a great night’s sleep. (Imagine that!)

You also get immediate access to my unique 4 Part Action Sheets for activating your subconscious alignment.

You’ll identify the keys to WHY you’re trapped in your current weight, build your compelling reasons, flush out your dual future pictures and create positive self-talk statements that will build a fortress around your new found “releasing mindset” and create massive momentum.

On top of all that, I’m also including an “Outside The Box” Training, free, which reveals the key to motivation and unlocks the 3 C’s we all need to start a change in our lives and to integrate it with ease.

You cannot afford to wait. Why? Because your life is on the line…your happiness, self-confidence, and inner core beliefs are all at risk each day that you put off making this change.  

There is no “catch” to this offer…

In fact, if you don’t like the program just let me know within 60 days and I’ll give you back the $67. You can even keep everything you’ve downloaded.

Click here and claim your copy now. You won’t regret it. 


60 Day Money Back Guarantee

No questions asked!



You can trust us!