Know How To Be Rich
Available to Dr. Anthony's loyal subscribers ONLY


I've had so many amazing subscribers (just like YOU) request this program,
so I've created this special time sensitive offer...

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Power Program Reveals How To Tune Into The “Wealth Frequency”

…Even If Nothing Has Ever Worked Before

Dear Friend,

If you’d like to create an abundance (avalanche) of riches and happiness this is going to be the most important message you’ll ever read.

But First, Here’s The Truth…

What I’m about to share with you is the foundation on which all riches are built.

HOWEVER, I’m not suggesting that everyone or anyone who uses this program is going to become rich or make mountains of money.

I couldn’t possibly predict how much the people who use it will make. You and I both know that most people won’t take action and follow through on what they learn.

Your life will not change because you KNOW what to do. It will change when you DO what you know.

With that said, let me tell you…

Exactly What You’re Getting

“Know How to Be Rich” is a unique program that I don’t usually make available publicly, UNTIL NOW.

I’m opening it for you today because people are struggling with overcomplicated manifesting techniques. It can be so much easier than you think when you throw out all the “tricks” and “hacks” and simply integrate the 6 Foundations for Rapid Manifestation. I can clearly see that sharing this with you now is VITAL so you don’t give up on yourself and the vision you can create.

This is different than other programs you’ve done before because it is more of a hands-on field guide than traditional programs that dump a ton of theory on you leaving you to wonder how to put it all together to get results.

Plus, it purposefully takes you on a specific 6 Week Journey, so you integrate each Wealth Foundation one at a time and you never risk becoming overwhelmed.

Each week you’ll get a Powerful “Wealth Foundation” Audio and PDF to maximize your results and make integration easy. The 6 Foundations I’m giving you have been used worldwide to create some of the greatest successes in history, and now you’ll “get” them too.

So, as I said, this is more than just theory and lofty, out of reach concepts.

Here’s a fraction of what you’re getting…

Wealth Foundation Week #1:

  • Discover the simple, yet often overlooked keys to automatically command abundance into your life.
  • How to choose what you create instead of living by default.
  • Increase personal power with the 3 things that ALWAYS control the outcome of your life.
  • How The Law of Cause and Effect really works and how to make it work for you.
  • What you should NEVER focus on when you want something (more money, relationship, happiness, opportunities, etc.).
  • Why having “media blinders” is the key to multiplying riches.
  • The truth about the “Current Effect” and how it dictates how much money you have.
  • Say “goodbye” to endless negativity.
  • The “Flip Switch” that transforms wealth blocks into wealth abundance in 17 seconds flat.

Wealth Foundation Week #2:

  • How to free yourself from being ‘poor’ once and for all.
  • The “Effect Multiplier” that builds results and confidence.
  • How to eliminate the need to self-sabotage.
  • The ONE THING you need to know about time.
  • How to access the 3 Gateways to Inexhaustible Energy.
  • When it’s okay to stop worrying (this will surprise you).
  • What to do if you have trouble “being in the NOW”.
  • How to eliminate scattered thoughts and confused results.
  • Why chaos and unpredictability isn’t always a bad thing and can give you extra power.

Wealth Foundation Week #3:

  • How to effortlessly tune into the “wealth frequency” and attract abundance faster than ever before.
  • Why you should NEVER try to overcome problems when you want more money.
  • The subconscious battle that is holding your wealth hostage.
  • How to eliminate negative thoughts WITHOUT willpower or long meditations.
  • The truth about “Psychological Reversal”.
  • How to grow your wealth electromagnetically.
  • The ONE THING all personal growth boils down to.
  • The “Erase & Replace” Formula for success.
  • Do affirmations really work? YES! But ONLY when you combine them with this.

Wealth Foundation Week #4:

  • Discover the simple trick that empowers you to control ANY situation regardless of how challenging it is.
  • How to activate the fastest possible path to creating your desires.
  • Where to find infinite access to riches at any time.
  • When you should never try to get rich.
  • The surprising truth about being “broke”. (This is a game changer).
  • Why trying to fix your money problems NEVER works. And what to do instead.
  • The simple way to know if you are headed toward what you want or away from it. PLUS how to course correct quickly.
  • The BIG warning signal you should never ignore if you want to attract wealth.
  • The one phrase that will rescue you from negative attraction every time you use it.

Wealth Foundation Week #5:

  • You need to take action right away to get results, right? WRONG! Discover the right time to take action so you never mess this up again.
  • Why you should never struggle when you’re trying to convert lack into riches.
  • The one thing you MUST AVOID to achieve the high levels of wealth and success you desire.
  • A unique way to leverage energy to get what you want.
  • What to do if you’re buried in doubt and worry.
  • How to use the simple Money Magnetizing Exercise that quick shifts you into positive momentum in just a few minutes a day.
  • The 2 words to banish from your vocabulary immediately (and what to replace them with instead).
  • How to free your subconscious mind from pressure so it rushes to create your desires.
  • How to eliminate the fear of 'going broke'.

Wealth Foundation Week #6:

  • Get the roadmap to ‘real’ results in as little as 10 minutes a day, EVEN IF you think you’ve tried everything.
  • The hidden truth about money (it's not what you've been told).
  • How to quickly tap into the “money behind the money” and open up to limitless opportunities.
  • The 5 Step Wealth Creation Formula that never fails.
  • When to put your unconscious to work to discover your “Money Answer”.
  • How to effortlessly eliminate resistance.
  • Why “having fun” works to speed up manifestations.
  • The key that insures you’ll NEVER run out of money.
  • What to do if your desires still aren’t showing up, even after you’ve tried everything.

Bonus: Advanced Formula For Total Success

This 161 page E-book is yours FREE when you claim your copy of
Know How To Be Rich Today!

This book is my common-sense approach to achieving TOTAL success in one's life.

It offers workable, step-by-step methods and visualization techniques to help you personalize goals, transcend old beliefs and limitations, and transform positive thinking into positive action.

Use these simple, no-nonsense strategies to harness your potential for success and FINALLY turn your dreams into reality.

From A to Z to Success
Robert Anthony's book was recommended by a success guru in his own right. What I liked is that, even though the author starts at the beginning of why it is necessary to be successful, he doesn't just leave a person wondering, "Well HOW do you do that?" He provides the answers. The book can be quickly read, and yet a person will be doing themselves a dis-service if they "read quick" and think they've got it. Anthony really goes into the detail of success in an easy to follow reasoning, and at the same time helping the reader over, under, around and through the hurdles of "past" experiences and how to let those go so that there is a new slate for the future to start writing on.
This book can be read several times and still there will be new "aha's" that will surprise you and help you grow in every dimension in your life!

— Kenneth F.

Here’s What To Do Now…

The “cost” of this program is Only $67 and you get “Wealth Foundation #1” instantly as a download. As soon as you place your order, you’ll get emailed an automated receipt with a link to download “Wealth Foundation #1, so you can start tuning into the wealth frequency right away.

You need to be aware that…

Time Is Of The Essence

As I mentioned earlier, this program is normally kept under wraps and access is only given to specific clients. I am making an exception and opening it up to my community today because I see how much you are struggling and I want to give you these 6 Wealth Foundations so you can FINALLY get results and feel great about working with me in other programs in the future…

I’ll need to put this back behind closed doors soon and bring it back to it’s exclusive nature. With that all said, this is a limited time offer and when the timer below hits zero, access will no longer be available.

Click the button below before it's too late...

Know How To Be Rich


And in case you are wondering…

Yes, there’s a money-back guarantee so you can decide for yourself that you love “Know How to Be Rich” or you don’t pay anything. It’s…

My Clear-Cut, No Questions Asked, 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee

My guarantee is simple. Listen to the Power Packed Audios and put "Know How To Be Rich" into action. You have a full 60 days to be absolutely convinced or email my customer support team and I’ll refund every penny you paid.
No Hassle and No Questions Asked.

How’s that for fair?

This is truly a limited time offer, so claim your copy before time runs out.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter. I look forward to giving you the Wealth Foundation you need.

Dr. Robert Anthony

The Reviews Are In...

"Dr. Robert Anthony blows every other self-help product off the planet. My search for another 'fix' has ended. This guy is pure genius. The audio series is packed (and I mean packed!) with a wealth of knowledge. He covers all bases and fills all the gaps. Lots delivered in a simple to understand way.  This is the REAL DEAL!"

- Mark P.

"I completed the program and followed your directions. I was specifically desiring to create money.  I would visualize the things I believe financial gain will bring into my life.  I began picturing myself with a new wardrobe.  I visualized myself in a beautiful beige cashmere outfit. 10 days ago I was with some friends in New York City, volunteering to help them find a building in Manhattan to purchase (They manufacture clothing for top designers). They were so grateful that I would take the time to help them.  To show their appreciation, they filled a dressing room with beautiful clothing for me.  I left their showroom with 2 coats, a jacket and 5 pairs of pants.  They also gave me 2 vests LINED WITH BEIGE CASHMERE.  I received my new wardrobe without having to buy it.  I put on one of the coats and was astonished to see that the coat retailed for $4,998! Thank you for the life changing information. I am working on mastering the manifestation process, because it's life transforming!"

- Roz D.

"I just wanted to tell you that I am thrilled! I really feel that this is the ticket, and you really are the best out there. Yes, I have other programs that have not done anything. Your program is different, and just the way you guide people through without coddling them but encouraging is amazing. I really like how you are so positive and helpful, just like you are right there in the room. I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart!."

- Heather W.

Know How To Be Rich
